
Microsoft Word for Mac

The most well-known word processing software on the planet has been Microsoft Word for decades.

Microsoft Word for Mac

The most well-known word processing software on the planet has been Microsoft Word for decades. However, the absence of Word and Office has long given consumers pause when buying a MacBook over a PC.

This mindset has changed as Word has become available on the Mac recently. If you want to find out more about what Microsoft Word has to offer, visit softwarekeep.com, or read more below.

Cutting-edge software

Word 2016 is the most current version of the software. It has all the features you’ve come to expect in a Word program, such as the ribbon at the top to help you find the tasks you need.

Although the software is familiar, this isn’t a standard upgrade from previous editions. Word 2016 contains many new features, such as a new Tell Me function that allows you to search for tasks by typing them in instead of poking through the ribbon. There’s also a new smart search, insights, that searches through your documents and the web all by just right-clicking a word.

Word 2016 is also more closely connected to the cloud, making saving and storing documents easier.

Finally, if you use OneDrive, you will have access to incredible new collaboration abilities, such as the ability to edit a document with coworkers in real time while also messaging within the document.

Where to Get Microsoft Word for Mac

There are several paths you can follow to purchase Microsoft Word for Mac. You can buy the program individually, although this is the least ideal option because it is more cost-effective to buy an Office for Mac suite.

It is wise to consider the various Office suites available for Mac. These are offered in two variations: traditional, offline Office 2016 suites and Office 365. The traditional suites are a single purchase for a single computer and can be downloaded or purchased in physical form. Office 365, however, is subscription-based and demands a monthly or yearly charge. The advantages of the subscription package include the software staying up-to-date for as long as you continue your subscription.

The traditional Office 2016 for Mac suites are:

  • Home & Student: This suite includes all the well-known Microsoft programs such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote.
  • Home & Business: This suite includes those programs, but include Outlook email as well

The most popular Office 365 suites for individual purchase include:

  • Personal: All the core programs, Outlook, and one TB cloud space on OneDrive and 60 minutes per month on Skype. This can only be used on one computer.
  • Home: The same as Personal, but with multi-device download capabilities.
  • Business: Similar to Home, but for business.

Purchase Office from SoftwareKeep

No matter what package you choose to get Microsoft Word for Mac, make sure to make that purchase at SoftwareKeep.com. At SoftwareKeep, you are guaranteed the lowest price anywhere on the web. We have experts available to help you choose the right software package for you and to assist you in the download process. Visit us today at softwarekeep.com, or call us at (977) 315-1713.

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